1000 DAYS.
On December 1, 2019, I decided I didn’t like how my stomach looked and decided to do something about it.
It didn’t include adding more cardio… I took
OUT a lot of cardio from my workout schedule.
It didn’t include starving myself…I actually weigh about 10 pounds more than I did then.
I added in about 10-15 minutes of ab work into my routine. The same 462 reps of ab, oblique, and mixed core moves, every day.
What started off as a challenge to myself for a month was kept going by ‘well, I made it this far, might as well keep going’.
Now, it’s ‘I feel so much stronger in my running, my lifting, my every day life and it’s worth it to keep going.”
At this point, the benefits of this commitment far outweigh the time and dedication to the work.
I missed a few from being sick since 2019, but through the busy days, angry days, menstrual cramps, big meals, half marathon training, and low feelings of not making progress, I persevered towards day 1000+.
Do I have a perfect 6 pack? Nope.
Do I have shitty, bloated days? Yep.
Abs are cyclical. I'm still happy with the progress I've made, and I'm proud of the commitment I've kept to myself.
Key point? There’s nothing special about me. You can do ANYTHING you set your mind to.
Commit to the most important person in your life – yourself.
Stay dedicated to yourself and your goals.
I am here to help hold you accountable if you need an extra boost 💛