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Don’t quit.

Sometimes when you have a long road ahead of you, it’s hard to see the destination – whatever it may be – as something you can actually reach.

Whether your goal be weight loss, body recomposition, muscle gain, attaining better health after an illness or not being focused, or ANYTHING in between, whatever you do for yourself now will make a huge impact in your overall health if you just keep going – especially when the goal seems so far away.

How do you keep yourself on track and stay motivated to reach that finish line?

Set one big goal. Make it far away and hard to attain. (example: I want to lose 50 pounds).

Now, make milestones for yourself in a time period that makes sense – make these aggressive but attainable. (I’m going to do this in 10 pound increments, and give myself 2 months to hit each 10 pound mark).

Within the timeline to reach those milestones, have actionable items you will do to help it make it easier to reach that milestone. (Every week, I am going to meal prep my proteins on Sunday, and will only have drinks with friends for special occasions. I’m going to exercise 4 days a week).

Last step – add something in to check your progress along the way, and stay consistent with it. (I am going to weigh in every Friday, and will take body measurements every 2 weeks).

When you check your progress, and see positive changes, you develop stronger motivation to keep working towards your goals, as all of your efforts are paying off! If they aren’t, and you aren’t seeing change, then you can readjust your action items to ensure that progress is being made consistently.

You can do WHATEVER you set your mind to.

Have a plan.

Invest the time in yourself.

Don’t quit.

And know I’m here if you need help. 💛


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