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Embracing growth

Never let the fact that you aren't great at something keep you from continuing along your path.

When I started focusing on my health and getting more fit:

👎 I had no idea how to cook without adding pasta and a stick of butter to everything (shout out to my Italian and Western European heritage!)

👎 Food shopping was getting whatever tasted good - usually ultra-processed, super sugary crap.

👎 I couldn't all. My first recorded run clocked 1.25 miles at a 14:00+ pace. I remember stopping twice to catch my breath.

👎 Lifting weights was terrifying to me - and going to the gym where people could see I had no idea what I was doing? Even more terrifying.

👎 Focus on mental health and stress was non-existent. I'd rather just drink until I cried the pain away.

I was a beginner. I felt like I sucked at everything.

I wanted to quit many times, but I never let myself. I learned to persevere - to keep going, even if it was ugly.

I educated myself, and put in the effort every single day to improve.

And you can too.

If you're struggling with adopting new habits or hitting goals, remind yourself: you can only get better from here.

Have faith in yourself.

You got this.

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