If you have, or are forming, a routine, don't mess with it for anything less than REAL reasons.
It's easy to think your way out of your routine. Stuff you think of may be true, but are those reasons really worth the risk of throwing you off track to accomplish your goals?
Now, when we say 'real' reasons, I'm talking:
✔ Feeling like you're overdoing it
✔ Your body is super sore from 3 days ago (this is NOT a good thing)
✔ You're injured
✔ You're ill
❌ 'I'm not feeling it'.
❌ 'It's cold out'.
❌ 'I only food shop on Mondays, and now it's too late to go.'
You have to learn how to call BS on yourself.
Take this morning for example.
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I go for a 1.5 mile walk around my neighborhood. Nothing wild, just a nice, solid power walk. I think about what is coming for my day, important tasks I have left to do, something funny my daughter did...it's my mental health walk.
It would have been easy to skip today (it was 16 degrees this AM, FFS...) but 'being cold' isn't a good enough excuse to me to miss this crucial time of my day.
I called my own BS reason out.
I bundled up and stuck to the routine.
Remember, being honest with yourself and your abilities is the KEY to success.
It's time to GET DEAD SET and GO!