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What is Dead Set?

I didn’t want to work out this morning…I slept bad and wanted to stay in bed. But I showed up anyway because I have goals I want to reach, and I knew I'd be happy when the work out was done.

That dedication got me thinking about what Dead Set is...

Dead Set isn’t the place for ‘influencer workouts’ or ‘hacking your diet’.

⭐️ We don’t do ‘belly fat exercises’ or encourage disordered eating.

⭐️ There’s no Photoshop, Facetune, or filtering.

⭐️ We’re real – mentally and physically.

⭐️ Our leggings don't always match our bras.

⭐️ We have cherry red faces after hard runs.

⭐️ We skip a day when we’re sick.

⭐️ We stay dedicated even when we’re feeling lazy.

⭐️ We have bad body image days, good workouts, and an extra scoop of ice cream every once in a while.

Good health and fitness is a LIFESTYLE.

That means what you’re doing – nutrition, exercise, and everything in between - needs to make you happy to be there, or you won’t keep showing up to maintain it.

Adopt a new mindset that will help you gain and attain a healthier life for the REST of your life.

Join me and get Dead Set!


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