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Why BMI is Bullsh*t

You know what really grinds my gears??

Coaches and gyms using one measurement to define health status or success. ESPECIALLY if that measurement is BMI (body mass index).

There are a lot of faults with measuring BMI. Why do I hate it so much, and NEVER use it for my clients?

1. It doesn't account for muscle mass or other features (ex. - having 'womanly curves' 😬).

2. It's a dated and flawed calculation that is often used as the only measurement for medical settings and often impacts insurance rates.

3. It doesn't account for weight distribution, ignoring waist size, which is a big indicator of obesity and health.

Take ME for example:

According to my BMI, I am overweight and need to lose 8 pounds to be considered ideal weight.

I have a 27 inch waist.

I am, in most considerations, healthy.

Based off my measurements, and according to the US Naval Body Fat calculator, I'm 22% body fat.


If you are starting your health journey, or continuing down your path, use more than one indicator of good health and progress.

And PLEASE don't make one of them be your BMI 🙂

As always, I'm here if you need help setting and reaching your goals 💛

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