The number one thing my clients say as a barrier to them adopting healthier lifestyles is a lack of time.
They don’t have time to exercise.
They don’t have time to food shop.
They don’t have time to meal prep.
I am never going to be one of those coaches that says to use all of your free time to pound the treadmill at the gym.
I AM, however, going to ask you to look at your daily activities and how you spend your time each week to see where there can be inefficiency.
The average American watches TV for more than 3 hours a day. That’s 12.5% of your day being wasted sitting on the couch vegging out, and – let’s be honest – probably snackin’ on something that isn’t the best for you.
How can you use that time more efficiently?
Can you use an hour of it to do something else that helps you move towards your goals more effectively and still have 2 hours to relax and recharge after a long day?
Can you skip that last episode of your binge watch to go to bed a little earlier so you have the energy to wake up in the morning and work out before work?
I bet you can.
Chances are you have the time.
Disrupt your lax schedule and use your time to get you closer to your dreams!